I do believe in course corrections though. If the trip was planned, and there were points on the itinerary that we wanted to make sure we hit, but we had to take a detour, then we probably found some wonderful unplanned sites to see, but that doesn't mean we can't loop back around and explore the places we had intended to travel to from the get-go.
Am I taking this metaphor along? No. It's okay? Cool. Thanks. You're great.
For anyone who knows me, it's no surprise that I wander. I mean in Target alone, I travel so far from my cart for so long that I've had to retrieve my shopping from Customer Service on more than one occasion. I explore. I seek to understand. I like to take the long way home. And though the old saying states that "not all who wander are lost," - wait. Did Tolkien really say that first?
Yeah. In the same poem titled and proclaiming that "all that is gold does not glitter." Weird. And awesome.
Anyway, the old saying does state that "not all who wander are lost," but sometimes we are. Sometimes we find ourselves in a spot with no recognizable landmarks. When you're lost, the advise to stay put until someone comes to find you is a practical and sensible measure. At first. If you've sat there for a while, and no one comes - either because you couldn't reach them, or they don't know how to find you - then you might have to take action yourself. Use your skills, if you can find a spot to go
Okay. Yeah. Now the metaphors are getting out of control. My point is - when re-assessing, and adjust goal setting practices, it can help us find our way back an intended path.
Or...it might help us navigate our way to an entirely new path. Keep wandering out there friends.
Or hey...maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe we're all destined to a lonely black void of nothingness and futility. Note: I've been reading some nihilist philosophy lately too. Seems to really be helping my state of mind out a lot. I'm all aces here.
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