The New Studio

September 21, 2013, 11:13 pm
Though I'm not actually living in my new house, the studio is up and running.  I spent the whole day there Sunday, and a little bit last night, and the art making machine had all pistons firing.

I've come to love many creative spaces in my life, but I think this one might just take the cake.  

To prove that I don't just love it because it's mine and it's new, I'll now evaluate the space on a sliding 1 - 5 scale (with 1 being poor/inefficient and 5 being awesome/perfectly efficient) in each of the following categories:  Functionality, Organization, Spaciousness, Amenities, Environmental Conditions, and Beauty/Decor. Here goes...

Functionality: 5.  I have plenty of space to draw and paint.  A functional all purpose work table, computer access, music, supply storage, and comfortable seating.

Organization: 5. As my mother taught me, "a place for everything, and everything in it's place."  BOOM.

Spaciousness: 3.  I didn't quite plan it to be big enough.  Its functionality makes up for its lack of space though.

Amenities:  5.  I've been hording art supplies for years.  It's finally paid off.  It's like the Dick Blick outlet store in there...mostly because I go to the Dick Blick outlet store a lot.

Environmental Conditions: 4. Heating, cooling, and opening windows take you pretty far, but the smell of turpentine should probably make me buy a stand alone air purifier at some point. If only I didn't like it so much.

Beauty/Decor: 4.  It looks good.  Especially the flooring (heh hem.)  But my retro industrial vibe was missed by how much stuff has to be in there (/how much of that stuff is just my old stuff), and my budget for furnishing the space.  Now, I will be on the hunt (forever) for cool vintage metal cabinets and beautifully aged wooden pieces, but until then, it's hodgepodge eclectic vibe will do.

So, let's tally the score: 26/30...not bad.

All kidding aside though, the space is great, and I don't really want to be anywhere else in the world than there.  Let's hope that feeling maintains until the 100 paintings I'm working on for my show in January get done.  

Oh yes, that's a real number.  More on that later.


  1. I, too, love your studio . . . because of all of the reasons you've mentioned and many, many more. I have to say, the ceiling light hanging just "so perfectly so" is quite possibly what makes it! ;)


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