Apparently I am still putting all of the other responsibilities and obligations in my life ahead of painting, and the only thing I can really say is that I guess it has to be that way. There will be a couple 4 - 8 week periods a year where I just have to step away.
As for right now though, I haven’t been in my studio for months. Instead I have been running around doing other things, all (gulp) career related. They are as follows:
1) I directed a fantastic (if I do say so myself) high school rendition of Guys and Dolls. Smash hit. Praise and accolades galore for my kids. I'm proud of the work we did.
2) I was finishing my portfolio for application to be a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Master Teacher.
So I'm a busy teacher, and I'm a painter, and that's just how it has to be. I'll get better at not neglecting the painting. I swear I will. And eventually it will feel less like I'm trying to eat right and become a natural part of my routine. I'll just have to keep finding ways to make it all work together.
But I'm back now. I am headed to the art supply store this morning to grab a few things and the notes and sketches have been piling up, so it's time to get back in there and work.
Stay tuned.
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